Bucks County GI Associates is now proud to offer the CRH O’Regan System for the treatment of hemorrhoids. This is a highly effective (99.1%)and minimally invasive procedure performed in our office in less than a minute. It requires no preparation, no fasting, no sedation and is virtually painless The O’Regan System is a safe and effective system for the treatment of hemorrhoids, and has a ten-fold reduction in complications compared to traditional banding.
Hemorrhoid symptoms are common problems that many people have but don’t like to discuss, including itching, bleeding, swelling and soiling due to prolapsing hemorrhoidal tissue – 50% of people will have symptomatic hemorrhoids by age 50, and 75% of people will have symptoms during their lifetime. Many patients have tried other remedies with mixed or temporary results, including topical steroid creams, fiber and hydration. The CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoidal Removal System offers patients a permanent solution to the problems associated with hemorrhoids through a process called hemorrhoid ligation. Much less invasive than hemorrhoidectomy surgery, hemorrhoid ligation, also called hemorrhoid banding, is a simple process that can be performed in a doctor’s office in just minutes with little discomfort. During the brief and painless procedure the physician places a small rubber band around the tissue just above the internal hemorrhoid where there are few pain-sensitive nerve endings. Effective for the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid banding offers patients a permanent and painless solution to the discomfort and recovery time associated with other hemorrhoid removal options.
To find out more: view the video below, visit www.crhsystem.com or call (215) 321-7221 to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.